Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Exer # 1

/*Programmer Name: Jhovan C. BesasProgram Name: Hello ObjectPurpose: To enhance how to run a program that will reverse the outputDate: March 18,2009Instructor: Dony Dongiapon*/ 

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Reverse {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException//start the main method that will catch Exceptions

String a=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a Name: ");//ask input to the user in correct form
System.out.print("Input:"+a);//print output of the user

String b=a.substring(a.indexOf(" "),a.length());
String reverse= new StringBuffer(b).reverse().toString();//reverse the first word entered
String c=a.substring(0,a.indexOf(" "));
String reverse2=new StringBuffer(c).reverse().toString();//reverse the second word entered

System.out.println("\nInput in Normal Form : " + a);// Print the normal string

System.out.println("Reverse input: " +reverse2+ " "+ reverse );// Print the string in reversed order
}//end main method

}//end class Reverse

Sample Output:

Enter name:  vhan d'best

Input in Normal Form: vhan d'best
Reverse input: nhav tseb'd

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